Welcome to

Our Program

We have a structured program which we follow closely with regular assessment tests to follow each child’s progress towards a French or English Primary School education.

Our Schemes Cover :

Language and


Personal and
Social Development



Computer Skills


Knowledge and
of the World



And a variety of other fun activites

We celebrate local, social, cultural activities such as Easter, Christmas, Diwali, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year Festival and Eid to encourage children’s awareness and tolerance of peers.

Our Playrooms

To cater for the varying ages, children are divided into the four age groups, as follows, each with an
experienced member of staff in charge who can offer help and advice to parents if required.
Baby Room (0 - 2 Years)

It is a difficult decision for parent to make, to return to work and leave a very young child in the care of someone else, our staff understand these problems and work closely with parents to provide their desires and needs for their child. A room specially provided for baby’s play and a dedicated sleep room, plus a loving and caring environment ensures that the home routine your baby is used to, continues.


Parents are asked to provide nappies and creams for their baby and to advise us of any special diets or needs their baby requires

The Toddlers Room (2 – 3 years)

In this room, your child experiences their first exciting steps into such activities as hand painting, colouring, gluing, modelling and are taught to recognise shapes and colours. All toddlers are taught to play together and share. Feeding them selves and drinking from a cup is quickly learned and nappies soon become a thing of the past.

Our Early Learners (3 – 4 years)

Our early learners build on their artistic and creative abilities and very quickly learn to enjoy music and dance.Role-play is very important at this age, and children are encouraged by free play to further their independence and develop their social and imaginative skills.


An introduction to the main areas of the Curriculum for Excellence (Outlined in more detail below) provides this age group with a good foundation from which to begin their pre-school year.

Pre-school Class (4 – 5 years)

Our pre-school children receive a wide and varied curriculum, based on the main areas of the Curriculum for Excellence, endorsed by Ministry Of Education, Mauritius.


Children are encouraged through play to develop their self-confidence and independence and in a stimulating environment. They are given the opportunity to listen, think and build on their language and communication skills. Their creative and artistic abilities continue to be developed and they soon learn in a fun way all about every day things of life.

Our Day-Babies and Toddlers

7:30 am

Our Centre Opens

7:30-8:30 am

Arrival time

8:30-9 am

Babies and Toddlers meet in the reception room to sing and recite poems in French and English for half an hour

9-9:20 am

Circle time

9:20-9:40 am

Snack time

9:45-10 am

Toilet/ Potty Training

10:00-11:00 am

Our toddlers get split into various groups to do various activities

11:00 am-noon

Play time and lunch time

12:00-2:00 pm

Nap time

2:15-2:30 pm

After noon Snack

2:15-2:30 pm

Toilet/Potty and change

2:30-4:00 pm

Indoor activities

4:00-5:00 pm

Outdoor activities

5:00-5:30 pm

Table toys/ Story telling

6:00 pm

Centre closed

Our Pre-school is divided as follows


Term 1


Term 1


Term 1


Holiday Club


Term 2


Term 2


Term 2


Holiday Club


Term 3


Term 2


Term 3


Term 3

We remain open all year round except for first few weeks in 
December and January.

term 1

Water activities and Gardening

term 2

School Play (Whole School)

term 3

Dancing / Outing

holiday club

School Doctor

The doctor will visit our centre once a trimester to do a general check up at the expense of Kiddikids. He is permanently on call for emergencies. Any extras will be at Parent’s expense to be paid through school.

Kiddikids is insured against any accidents which may occur during school

Support: Psychologist and speech therapist
We also work closely with child psychologist and also with speech Therapist. When we need their advice or expertise we usually inform parents and they may come in to observe, initially, at our centre.

Cyclone/Adverse weather condition
Should a cyclone occur, please listen to the cyclone bulletins on the radio, television or internet and follow these procedures.

The following is as per law:

Class 1 Warning: School as usual

Class 2 Warning: Before school hours: No school

During school hours: Parents are requested to collect their child within two hours after the official warning 2 bulletin

Class 3 and 4 Warning: No School

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First Birthday Party

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